The green plastic pallets Cloris are made according to the standards identified by the technical rules, and, given the material and technology used for its construction, they are dimensionally stable over time, thus ensuring an appropriate use without problems in automated storage systems . The reference standards are:
UNI: it is a "technical standard" Italian issued by UNI. The rules are revised, when necessary, with the publication of new editions is both sheet update (FA). It is therefore important that users be sure of the rules have the latest edition or update of all the sheets issued: this applies similarly to the IEC, CEN and ISO. UNI standards are voluntary documents developed by consensus by the stakeholders (manufacturers, retailers, test laboratories, consumers, government and consumers), which define the "state of the art" products, processes and services, to improve 'cost of production and use, marketability, safety of use and relationship with the environment and, therefore, quality.
EN: it is a "technical regulation" issued dall'apposito European CEN European organization. When issued a technical standard European standard, this must be implemented by national standards as a national standard and national standards on the same subject must be withdrawn. They are identified by the initials EN followed by a number.
UNI EN: EN is implemented by UNI, then valid in Italy. The same rule with the same number has been implemented by other European countries are members of CEN (eg DIN EN Germany).
ISO: it is a "technical rule" issued by ISO, which adhere to the regulatory agencies of all countries (UNI for Italy) and performing the regulatory activity worldwide in all industries except the electrical / electronics.